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AI-powered global platform linking users to services, activities, and places through personalized recommendations.

TWYM's AI-Powered Ecosystem


All functions delivered seamlessly with 1-tap/1-click
across platforms and mediums.


Twym Recommend

AI-powered search engine and virtual assistant that provide personalized recommendations by users' personal connections on Services, Activities and Places.

Twym Marketplace

Contact or book a wide range of services, activities, or places recommended by your personal connections and offered by businesses, professionals and freelancers.


Twym Connect

Sign-in online or in-person, book a service or join the waitlist for a service or activity; share contact details; send recommendations (business, professional, service, place, or activity) directly to a person or group.

With just 1-tap or 1-click, pay anyone, pay together (bill splitting for group booking), here and anywhere!


Join our waitlist

Be among the firsts to experience a game-changing platform that understands your preferences and connects you with what matters most.

Thanks for submitting!


By leveraging technology to bridge gaps and empower small businesses, professionals, freelancers and occasional workers, Twym paves the way for a more inclusive and connected global economy.

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