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Twym instantly connects you to the best Services, Places, and Events, powered by AI and trusted recommendations from your friends and community — no ratings needed.
Twym’s smart personal assistant, Twym Connect, delivers context-based suggestions, while helping you stay organized and connect effortlessly.
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Jake, a homeowner in need of a plumber
He asked twymbook and instantly received trusted recommendations from his neighbors!
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Recommendations Personalized to Your Profile, Location, and Interests
Instantly discover services, places, or events recommended by people you trust through twymbook.
Recommendations You Can Trust
All recommendations on twymbook come from real users in your network or local community.
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Integrated Smart Personal Assistant
Twym’s smart personal assistant, twym Connect, serves as your All-Around Digital Companion™, providing you with recommendations for different needs in your daily life.
with twym Connect
Sophia, a working mom with a busy schedule
She uses twym’s smart personal assistant to get trusted recommendations for local performances and restaurants, based on her calendar.
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